2.2 million sign up to Demand Flexibility Service

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  • Following confirmation of market data the ESO can now confirm the outcomes of the first 6 test events and 2 live events held across November and December 2023.
  • So far over 2.2 million businesses and households have signed up to participate in the Demand Flexibility Service, along with 43 providers, eclipsing participation levels at this stage last year.
  • Across the 8 total events held in 2023 consumer households and businesses have saved a total of 2,507MWh, enough to power over 7.5million households during these events, roughly 27% of GB households.
  • So far participating providers have earned over £9.3million which they have passed onto households and businesses in the form of pounds, points and prizes.

Following the launch of the Demand Flexibility Service in November 2023 the ESO has run 7 test events to promote participation and to enable learnings around demand flexibility. 

Alongside these test events the ESO has also called for 2 live events to help balance operational margins on the national electricity network.

Following confirmation of market data the ESO can confirm that across the 6 tests and 2 live events run in 2023, the service has delivered over 2,507MWh across both the live and planned test events. The combined electricity saved during these events are enough to power over 7.5 million homes over an hour.

The British Public and commercial industries continued support of the Demand Flexibility Service is most clearly shown by the response to the two live events called by the ESO to balance the electricity network on 29th November and 1st December. Across both events participants delivered an average of 497MWh across each hour and a half session. Enough to power nearly 1.5 million homes across the duration of each event.

A big change to the service for winter 23/24 has been the introduction of within day as well as day ahead test notifications, to ask consumer households and businesses to change their electricity usages at shorter notice than last year. 

The ESO will now look to hold further test events until the end of March when this year’s service will come to a close. These additional test events will help promote further learning from the Demand Flexibility Service. 

Claire Dykta, ESO Director of Markets 

“The Demand Flexibility Service continues to grow from strength to strength. Households and businesses up and down the country are demonstrating their continued interest and commitment to electricity flexibility and are reaping the rewards for their participation.”