PM0129: Compliance Processes and Modelling amendments following 9th August 2019 Power Disruption

This proposal seeks to make changes to STC Procedure (STCP19-5) in order to achieve harmonisation with the Grid Code following modification GC0141 which was approved by the Authority on the 12 December 2022 to address concerns raised in the Ofgem and BEIS Report following the 9th August 2019 Power Disruption.​​

Modification status:
Implemented - PM0129: Compliance Processes and Modelling amendments following 9th August 2019 Power Disruption
Last updated:
22 August 2024
  • Code Administrator Contact: [email protected]
  • Governance Route: Standard Governance
  • Impacts: Medium impact​ - Offshore Transmission System Owners​ ​
Code modification proposed by:
Mr David Halford


Terms of Reference

Workgroup Meetings and Summary papers

Workgroup Consultation

Workgroup Report

Code Administrator Consultation

Draft / Final Modification Reports
