CMP322: Updating the CUSC section 4 “Balancing Services” to ensure Ofgem have the appropriate authority to approve Ts and Cs, relevant to EBGL Article 18, held within the Standard Contract Terms (SCTs)

To allow the Authority to have a clear and transparent role in approving and amending any future changes in SCTs that will have an impact on Article 18 T and Cs.

Modification status:
Implemented - CMP322: Updating the CUSC section 4 “Balancing Services” to ensure Ofgem have the appropriate authority to approve Ts and Cs, relevant to EBGL Article 18, held within the Standard Contract Terms (SCTs)
Last updated:
27 August 2024

Code Administrator Contact: Lurrentia Walker - [email protected]

Governance Route: Standard 


* Low: Ofgem and National Grid ESO contracts team to ensure SCT process is updated in line with CUSC requirements

Implementation: 04 April 2020
