Procurement and compliance

Find out about the objectives and deliverables of the procurement and compliance (P&C) workstream, and download reports relating to its activities.

The P&C workstream’s objective 

The P&C workstream’s objective was to determine how to deliver the electricity system restoration service concept in a way that best served the needs of end-consumers. It did this by: 

  • exploring the options and trade-offs between competitive procurement solutions and mandated elements 
  • making recommendations on the procurement strategy – aiming to be as open and transparent as possible, while reflecting wider industry discussions on related topics like the distribution system operator (DSO) transition and whole system planning 
  • considering necessary changes in codes and regulations

What did the workstream deliver?  

The workstream developed a set of commercial objectives for the service, which then informed the designs of three potential procurement approaches.  

The commercial objectives were:  
  • accelerated restoration times 
  • a functional route to market for the new service 
  • financial value to the end consumer 
  • increased transparency  
  • increased competition 
  • reduced barriers to entry

Following stakeholder feedback, one of the potential procurement approaches was selected for further development.  

This recommended approach involves a procurement process for each of the required services within individual distribution restoration zones (DRZs). Contracts would be awarded to parties who provide the best value proposition.  

This approach provides the most flexibility for the procuring organisation on the specific design of the service. It also offers the lowest barriers to entry for potential providers. 

Power Engineering and Trials

Find out about the Power Engineering and Trials (PET) workstream’s objectives and what it delivered, and download reports relating to its activities.

Organisational, Systems and Telecoms

Learn about the Organisational, Systems and Telecommunications (OST) workstream, including its objectives and the work it delivered, and download reports relating to its activities.

Feasibility studies

Find out about the project’s feasibility studies, the key findings and deliverables, and download reports detailing the outcomes.

Further information 

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