ESO RIIO-2 Stakeholder Group (ERSG)

The independently chaired Stakeholder Group provides valuable scrutiny and challenge throughout the development of our RIIO-2 Business Plans.

The Group reviews how we engage with stakeholders, making sure our plans reflect our stakeholders’ priorities, as well as driving value for consumers.

Engagement outputs

The Stakeholder Group acts in an advisory capacity and are not a decision-making body. The group will create a report at the end of this business planning cycle to outline their assessment of the scope and quality of our stakeholder engagement. They will also provide valuable input throughout the development stages of the RIIO-2 Business Plan 2 as well as Ofgem’s consultation and review process.

Ongoing role of the Stakeholder Group

After a brief pause, the Stakeholder Group has been re-established with a renewed purpose and refreshed membership. Our second business plan builds on the foundations set out by our first RIIO-2 Business Plan published in December 2019 and differs slightly from our first submission. A key change is that this Stakeholder Group is no longer mandated by Ofgem, however we believe the group provides valuable scrutiny and feedback. Therefore, we are continuing to run ERSG during our RIIO-2 business plan development.

We held a kick-off meeting on 22 September 2021, which marked the start of a series of sessions which will facilitate the development of our RIIO-2 Business Plan 2. We are looking to the ERSG to continue to challenge us on our proposals. This was instrumental in setting the ESO’s RIIO-2 ambition and we will continue to work with the group to drive ambitious outcomes for the next business plan.

Meeting documents

Here you can view or download documents relating to the stakeholder group’s meetings.