Information Request Statement Consultation

Last year, we witnessed a major milestone with the passing of the Energy Act 2023, setting out the legal framework to allow for the formation of the Independent System Operator and Planner. And, as we recently announced, this new organisation will be known as the National Energy System Operator, NESO. To help us fulfil the important role we have been given, NESO has been granted new legal powers to request information from those engaged in relevant activities, including regulated and non-regulated organisations.

This new power will come into effect from the first day of operation as a new organisation. Before this happens, we are consulting on a new Information Request Statement, and sharing an example of what an Information Request Notice from us might look like. 

Your feedback is really important to us to make sure we have an Information Request Statement which is clear, and accessible. You can find more detail about the different parts of the Information Request Statement, a draft version of the Information Request Statement and a proposed template for an Information Request Notice in the documents below.

To share your thoughts with us please email [email protected] or please fill out the form provided below.

The consultation period is now closed and we are reviewing the feedback provided

Share your thoughts 

Information Request Statement Consultation 

Draft Information Request Statement 

Draft Information Request Notice Template