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Datasets (28)
As part of our daily planning processes within the ESO control room, the control room strategy team produces a System Operating Plan (SOP) at key demand peaks or troughs throughout the day, at what…
Constraint management
A snapshot of the limits and flows at relevant boundaries at day ahead stage. These flow values are true for when the measurement was taken and will not reflect any changes in the flows following the…
This dataset contains an estimate of the outturn inertia and market provided inertia for Great Britain Transmission System.
Constraint management
The number of voltage machine required for a given voltage group for upcoming weekend and following Monday to Friday. Given the complexity and locational nature of the voltage requirement, the actual…
This dataset gives indicative information on the availability and utilisation of Stability Pathfinder contracts. The information is provided at a settlement period resolution for all contracted units…
This page holds the historic system frequency data for Great Britain at a 1 second resolution. It is the role of the National Grid ESO to keep the system frequency at 50 Hz, with a statutory limit of…
Constraint management
Thermal constraints are taken when the amount of energy that would flow naturally from one region to another exceeds the capacity of the circuits connecting the two regions. This dataset provides…
FES: Pathways to Net Zero
The FES: Pathways to Net Zero represent a range of different, credible ways to decarbonise our energy system as we strive towards the 2050 target. One of the FES outputs is an agreed set of data…
FES: Pathways to Net Zero
The FES: Pathways to Net Zero represent a range of different, credible ways to decarbonise our energy system as we strive towards the 2050 target. One of the FES outputs is an agreed set of data…
Constraint management
To give greater insight on balancing decisions, this post monthly report provides outturn system costs for maintaining voltage levels on the network. Maintaining the electricity system at the correct…