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Future energy
Project summaryOperating a future energy system with high levels of renewables will require significantly more flexible, zero carbon capacity than currently available.
Future energy
Project summaryHigh impact low probability "extreme events" can have serious impacts on the GB energy system.
Future energy
Project summaryThis project will support the development of a first of its kind end-to-end system planning methodology (Regional Whole System Strategic Planning (RWSSP) which accounts for deep and…
Future energy
Project summaryThermal constraints are forecast to cost consumers between £500m and £3b a year between now and 2030, owing to an increase in renewable generation and a lack of capacity on the…
Future energy
Project summaryTraditionally synchronous generation has provided stability requirements (inertia, Short Circuit Level & reactive power support) as a natural by-product.
Future energy
Project summaryBSUoS is the Balancing Services Use of System charge, paid by transmission connected generation and demand to cover the cost of balancing the electricity system.
Future energy
Project summaryGreat Britain’s energy landscape is changing at an increasing rate, not only in terms of how energy is generated and distributed but also in how it is used by consumers.
Future energy
Project summaryCurrently, reserve levels are based on statistical analysis of historical generation and forecasting errors.
Future energy
Project summaryBy 2035, GB interconnector capacity is forecast to grow from ~8 GW today to 16 - 27 GW.
Future energy
Project summaryNational Grid ESO are required by our License and by the REMIT regulation (EU Regulation on wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency) to monitor the market for suspicious…