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Future energy
Project summaryAcross the GB grid, more power is being contributed by wind turbines, solar farms and HVDC links, and this increase is expected to continue as we transition to a zero-carbon energy…
Future energy
Project summaryINSIGHT aims to deliver a real-time alert and control system that monitors and mitigates different types of power network oscillation events.
Future energy
Project summaryThis project explores technical innovations to increase the pool of available renewable, storage and demand side response (DSR) resources via integrated, faster and more efficient…
Future energy
Project summaryThe Blueprint project is seeking to identify key risks and uncertainties for the connection of offshore wind farms into currently constrained areas of the GB network, and to devise…
Future energy
Project summaryDNOs require an innovative solution to accelerate net zero targets due to physical capacity constraints.
Future energy
Project summaryOperating a future energy system with high levels of renewables will require significantly more flexible, zero carbon capacity than currently available.
Future energy
Project summaryThe energy industry is rapidly transforming from a one-way centralised grid to a highly distributed two-way electricity network.
Future energy
Project summaryThe newly developed spatial heat model provides a powerful, peer reviewed platform for generating future GB building heat scenarios at high levels of granularity.
Future energy
Project summaryThis project will explore the use of the Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) based Wide Area Monitoring and Control System (WAMCS) on the GB electricity network.
Future energy
Project summaryThis project will support the development of a first of its kind end-to-end system planning methodology (Regional Whole System Strategic Planning (RWSSP) which accounts for deep and…