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Future energy
Project summaryThere is an ever-increasing demand for Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) to deliver innovation projects needed for achieving net zero targets.
Future energy
Project summaryThe energy system is key to UK critical infrastructure.
Future energy
Project summaryThe Virtual Energy System (VirtualES) will provide users across the sector with access to data and integrated modelling capabilities, to improve data-driven decision making for…
Future energy
Project summaryPeak demand is subject to a range of uncertainties, such as population growth, calendar effects, changing technology, economic conditions, prevailing weather conditions (and their…
Future energy
Project summaryThe need to cost effectively decarbonise heat and the challenge this poses for electricity networks has led to a resurgence in innovation around low carbon gases, including hydrogen,…
Future energy
Project summaryThis project aims to develop a strategic transport and energy demand (STED) model using transport demand modelling techniques and a whole-energy simulator to investigate the impacts of…
Future energy
Project summaryConsumers are critical to meeting net zero and are a fundamental part of the transition, not only as part of the energy picture but as part of their everyday lives and the running of…
Future energy
Project summaryThe overall aim of this project is to identify potential alternatives and opportunities for new planning methodologies that evaluate both technical and economic aspects in a more…
Future energy
Project summaryThe FSO will be responsible for future whole energy system planning required to achieve net zero at lowest cost to consumers.
Future energy
Project summaryThe proportion of power that is injected into the GB grid via AC/DC converters is rising rapidly: modern wind turbines, battery storage, solar farms and HVDC links all use this…