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Future energy
This list below showcases our innovation projects, demonstrating our commitment to world-class research and industry partnerships. We take pride in our efforts to drive progress in the energy sector…
Future energy
Project summaryThis project explores the use of Artificial Intelligence to inform improved National Transmission System (NTS) network planning decisions, namely, to optimise the configuration of…
Future energy
Project summaryThe success of the Net Zero transition requires attracting and retaining individuals with specialist data science skills and capabilities, as articulated in the UK’s National AI…
Future energy
Project summaryChanging generation is resulting in lower system inertia and increasing costs, with residual inertia making up a larger percentage of the total system inertia.
Future energy
Project summaryOne of the primary inertia tools used by the ESO, forecasts inertia 24 hours ahead, but only for regions where Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) enable inertia measurement.
Future energy
Project summaryThe Electricity National Control Centre’s (ENCC) current approach of manual instructions is limiting the number of units that can be instructed in real-time operation of the GB…
Future energy
Project summaryAs system inertia reduces with the decarbonisation of the GB energy landscape, the cost of frequency containment services is expected to significantly increase.
Future energy
Project summaryThe UK power grid is becoming more interconnected and this, together with increased contribution from renewable energy sources, poses some challenges in the anticipation of energy…