
Publications library
We've got a wide range of publications offering energy insights and analysis. Download our reports and data to see the innovative ways we are transforming the future of Great Britain’s energy.
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Whole energy system
Our response to questions 1 & 2 from DESNZ on proposed the LDES cap and floor scheme.
Whole energy system
Our response to question 3 from DESNZ on proposed the LDES cap and floor scheme.
Whole energy system
A cover letter which establishes the context of the advisory request, NESO’s duty to provide advice, the scope of our advice and the stakeholder engagement approach.
Data Portal
This is supporting data for wind market participants involved in the PN inaccuracy project
Data Portal
This is supporting data for wind market participants involved in the PN inaccuracy project
Whole energy system
Summarises the frequently asked questions (FAQs) from the webinar held on 17 December to support the SSEP, CSNP and tCSNP2 Refresh consultation.
Whole energy system
This publication summarises the consultation questions that appear in all three SEP methodologies.
Whole energy system
Explains NESO’s Strategic Energy Planning activities –project aims, approaches, how to get involved.
Whole energy system
NESO’s Strategic Spatial Energy Plan, the first in GB, is crucial for accelerating and optimizing the energy transition. This draft methodology outlines the approach.