We’ve published our Innovation Annual Summary 2022/23

The ESO has a central role in delivering the UK’s net zero target by 2050. Innovation will be critical in achieving this by allowing us to explore ground-breaking solutions and technologies across the whole energy system.
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We’re excited to announce the publication of our Innovation Annual Summary 2022/23, which explores key activities, performance and project case studies from the past year.

Our Innovation case studies

In this year’s Annual Summary, we’ve highlighted some case studies of the projects we’ve funded alongside explainer videos from our project leads. Some of our projects, designed to tackle the challenges of the energy transition, include:

Carbon Intensity Modelling: This project provides more accurate data of how much carbon dioxide is released for every kilowatt hour of electricity produced. This will help us operate the network in the cleanest way possible as we strive towards our net zero operation targets. 

Co-optimisation of Energy and Frequency-containment services: Co-optimising the energy balancing and frequency response actions taken by the control room using advanced modelling, should cut the overall costs of energy balancing and frequency response services to the end consumer.

Consumer Building Blocks: This project explores how different consumer groups might change the way they use energy in the future and how we can plan the network to meet future needs. 

Future of Interconnectors: We’re investigating how interconnectors could play an important role in the export and import of electricity to help us manage the peaks and troughs in our renewable energy generation now and in the future.

Dynamic Reserve Setting: Utilising artificial intelligence to accurately forecast the amount of back-up power needed to provide grid stability, this project could reduce consumer costs and increase the use of renewables.  

View our Innovation Annual Summary to find out more about the above case studies and more that we’ve funded via innovation funding.

2022/23 innovation headlines:

Generated 116 ‘Big Ideas’, 81% from external parties, demonstrating our drive to share challenges externally and engage industry.

There were 41 live projects in 2022/23, an increase from 24 the previous year. Our projects focus on longer-term challenges, typically higher risk but with the potential to deliver significant benefits for the energy system and consumers.

We worked with 59 different project partners from academia, energy networks, non-profit organisations and private companies. We’ve increased the number of partners from small private sector companies and have worked with our first public body. 

Innovation Annual Summary Pie Chart

What’s next for ESO Innovation?

At the end of the year, we’ll be refreshing our Innovation Strategy for 2024-25. Sign-up to our mailing list for the opportunity to share your comments and find out more about our key events throughout the year.

Have a question or think you have our next ‘Big Idea’? Find out how to get in touch and more about our process on our website