Respond to our code modification proposals to reform the grid connections process

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We recognise the challenges currently facing our connections customers and are committed to transforming the connections process to speed up the delivery of the right energy mix needed to meet net zero.

Share your views on several Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC) and System Operator Transmission Owner Code (STC) proposals, which will impact connections stakeholders. Your feedback will help ensure we deliver the positive change needed to reform the connections process.

The deadline to respond to all the following proposals is 6 August at 5pm. You can find the supporting documents by clicking on the button for each code and navigating to the workgroup consultation tab.

Implementing Connections Reform

CMP434 / CM095: Implementing Connections Reform

We’re moving away from a first come, first served approach to a first ready, first connected approach by introducing a new process and requirements for connection applications, which will enable readier projects to connect more rapidly. It is proposed to introduce an annual application window and two formal gates, which are known as Gate 1 and Gate 2. This means that in-scope project developers will no longer be able to submit new and modified connection applications at any time and will only be able to do so in an application window. Once a project meets the Gate 2 criteria, the project developer can apply (via the relevant network operator) to be provided with a confirmed connection point and connection date.



Application of Gate 2 Criteria

CMP435 / CM096: Application of Gate 2 Criteria to existing contracted background

This modification is designed to extend the Gate 2 concept to apply to existing connection contracts and change the contractual arrangements for those existing contracts that don’t meet the Gate 2 criteria. 



Find out more about how our connections reform project forms part of our longer-term vision to improve the connections process.

Connections Reform