New tool to drive connections queue progress proposed
10 Feb 2025 - 2 minute read
Following a year-long process conducted with industry and wider stakeholders to identify the longer-term reforms needed to improve the connections process, we’ve set out our final recommendations.
Our new “First Ready, First Connected” approach, supports projects that can deliver at speed and ensures the connections queue can no longer be bogged down by so called “zombie projects”.
Under our proposals, we’ll implement a new connections process based on an early application window (with an indicative frequency and duration of 12 months) and two formal gates to track project progression and hold developers to account.
Gate 1 will provide offers based on a co-ordinated network design connection date. Gate 2 will be used to determine queue position for projects within the application window and accelerate viable and robust priority projects.
The reformed process will apply to all new generation, interconnector and demand connection applications, as well as relevant projects that modify their connections application after the go live date for the new process.
We plan to implement these changes by the start of January 2025, subject to the delivery of relevant modifications to existing industry codes.
We’ll also create a new Connections Process Advisory Group from January 2024, with an independent chair, to enable industry to steer the detailed design and code modifications within the parameters set out our final recommendations. This advisory group will also report to the Connections Delivery Board being established by Ofgem and the Government.
These reforms will deliver a future proofed solution and facilitate future network coordination.
These reforms build on our existing five-point plan of short-term reforms and will help deliver the Connections Actions Plan recently published by the Government and Ofgem.
Our five-point plan is already speeding up connections and will potentially remove around 80GW of projects from the existing queue, freeing up space for projects that can meet their connections milestones.
Julian Leslie, Head of Networks and Chief Engineer, said:
“Our new reformed process will prioritise the connection of viable projects, reduce times to connect for new and existing projects, deliver greater benefits for consumers and speed up the delivery of the energy mix required to meet net zero.”
These longer-term reforms align with wider Government and regulatory policy and ensure the connections process is flexible and future-proofed to support the future coordination of network design.”
Join us in Birmingham on 12 December to discuss the new reform process with us.
If you’d rather meet online, register to attend our webinar on 14 December at 9:30am.