GC0143: Last resort disconnection of Embedded Generation

This modification sets out that under emergency conditions and as a last resort the Electricity System Operator (ESO) may instruct a Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to disconnect embedded generators connected to its system. The requirement for this is due to the unprecedented societal changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic which has led to demands out-turning up to 20% lower than predicted

Modification status:
Implemented - GC0143: Last resort disconnection of Embedded Generation
Last updated:
26 August 2024

Code Administrator Contact: [email protected]

Governance Route: Urgency


* High: ESO in operating the system; DNOs in potentially being required to take emergency actions; embedded generators in being disconnected under emergency conditions; consumers in preventing security of supply issues

* Medium: Other Grid Code parties not directly impacted by the need to take emergency actions

Implemented: 7 May 2020


Code modification proposed by:
Rob Wilson