CMP244: Set final TNUoS tariffs at least 15 months ahead of each charging year and CMP256 Potential consequential changes to the CUSC as a result of CMP244
CMP244 seeks to increase the length of the notice period for TNUoS tariffs (currently 2 months) to a suggested period of 15 months. CMP256 proposes that any sections of the CUSC outside of Section 14 are modified to reflect any changes to section 14 deemed appropriate by the CMP244 workgroup.
Modification status:
- CMP244: Set final TNUoS tariffs at least 15 months ahead of each charging year and CMP256 Potential consequential changes to the CUSC as a result of CMP244
Last updated:
20 March 2024
Code Administrator Contact: Heena Chauhan - [email protected]
Governance Route: Standard
* High: All parties liable for TNUoS and Transmission companies