CMP200: Generator Led Due Diligence Review
This CUSC Modification Proposal aims to implement changes identified from a due diligence review that was conducted by National Grid and Ofgem on the Generator build changes that were implemented into the CUSC in December 2010. To implement the Generator build model, changes were made by the Secretary of State to the CUSC which placed obligations on offshore Generators wishing to undertake activities otherwise undertaken by an Offshore Transmission Owner (OFTO). These changes aimed to ensure that transmission assets comply with the same standards whether constructed by a Generator or an OFTO. As part of the government response to consultations on offshore electricity transmission it was recognised that the changes made to the CUSC in relation to Generator Led had been developed over a relatively short period of time. In response to this, it was agreed that a consistency check of the CUSC would take place to ensure no unintended consequences.
Code Administrator Contact: Emma Clark - [email protected]
Governance Route: Standard
* Low: Offshore Generators undertaking Generator Led build options
Implemented: 10 business days after Authority decision