System Operating Plan - Data Table
As part of our daily planning processes within the ESO control room, the control room strategy team produces a System Operating Plan (SOP) at key demand peaks or troughs throughout the day, at what we call a Cardinal Point (CP). Prior to each CP the Strategy team hand over the relevant SOP to the real-time Energy team, who then use this plan to take real-time operational decisions to balance the electricity system. The SOP is a snapshot of key information that is available to the ENCC at that time of its creation and based on this information provides a flexible strategic plan to ensure the ESO fulfills all its obligations to balance the system.
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Further information in the main CKAN Data API and DataStore documentation.
The Data API can be accessed via the following actions of the CKAN action API.
Query example (first 5 results) |
Query example (via SQL statement) | * from "e51f2721-00ab-4182-9cae-3c973e854aa8" LIMIT 5
A simple ajax (JSONP) request to the data API using jQuery.
var data = { resource_id: 'e51f2721-00ab-4182-9cae-3c973e854aa8', // the resource id limit: 5 // get 5 results }; $.ajax({ url: '', data: data, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(data) { alert('Total results found: ' + } });
A simple ajax (JSONP) request to the data API using jQuery.
import urllib2 url = '' fileobj = urllib2.urlopen(url) print
Data Explorer
Data Explorer
Table Information
Title | SOP Datetime |
Type | datetime |
Description | UTC Time and date that the SOP was created for |
Comment | N/A |
Example | 2020-08-17T19:25:00Z |
Unit | UTC ISO 8601 |
Title | Report Date |
Type | date |
Description | Date that the SOP was created |
Comment | |
Example | 2020-10-13T00:00:00.000Z |
Unit | N/A |
Title | Latest Version |
Type | integer |
Description | Version number |
Comment | Numbers start at 1 and increase |
Example | 1 |
Unit | N/A |
Title | Latest Status |
Type | string |
Description | Status of SOP |
Comment | Should be final |
Example | Final |
Unit | N/A |
Title | Cardinal Point |
Type | string |
Description | Electricity demand fluctuates during a day depending on how much energy people, businesses and industries are using at that moment in time. As this electricity demand goes up and down we get characteristic peaks and troughs, with some of these peaks and troughs appearing every single day at similar times. These we call cardinal points and are the points during the day that we forecast demand for. |
Comment | N/A |
Example | 4A |
Unit | N/A |
Title | Customer Demand Forcast (CDF) |
Type | integer |
Description | National 5-minute spot demand |
Comment | Calculated by ESO |
Example | 35477 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Station Transformer (STX) |
Type | integer |
Description | Assumed total national station demand |
Comment | Calculated by ESO |
Example | 500 |
Unit | MW |
Title | DSBR |
Type | string |
Description | Demand Side Balancing Reserve |
Comment | Not Valid Anymore |
Example | N/A |
Unit | MW |
Title | Total (SOP Demand) |
Type | integer |
Description | Sum of Customer demand and Station demand |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 29175 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Standing Reserve Requirement (SRR) |
Type | integer |
Description | Standing reserve has now been replaced by Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR). This is a fixed value depending on the time of day and year. |
Comment | Calculated by ESO |
Example | 1800 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Standing Reserve Availability (SRA) |
Type | integer |
Description | The amount of STOR that is usable is the sum of the STOR declared available |
Comment | Calculated by ESO |
Example | 2783 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Standing Reserve Shortfall (SRS) |
Type | integer |
Description | The standing reserve shortfall is the difference between the STOR requirement minus the STOR usable indicates if there is a standing reserve shortfall |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 222 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Standing Reserve Excess (SRE) |
Type | integer |
Description | Indicates if there is an excess of Standing Reserve. Calculated by SRR - SRA. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 2783 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Standing Res Wind Adj (WSRR) |
Type | integer |
Description | This is an automatically calculated value, used to adjust the standing reserve requirement figure to take into account the potential wind forecasting error |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 222 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Net Positive Regulating Reserve (PRG) |
Type | integer |
Description | Regulating reserve is designed to cover for expected levels of plant loss plus demand forecast error that occurs for a specified cardinal point between the final SOP production time and real time. |
Comment | Calculated by ESO |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Positive Reg Res Wind Adj (WPRR) |
Type | integer |
Description | This is an automatically calculated value to take into account the potential wind forecasting error. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Reserve For Response (PRE) |
Type | integer |
Description | The reserve for response is the amount of reserve that needs to be allocated to synchronised generators so they can be pulled back and instructed to hold frequency response. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems after all contracted response is subtracted from requirement |
Example | 356 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Total Positive Reserve (SCS) |
Type | integer |
Description | Simple calculation of PRG + PRE. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 567 |
Unit | MW |
Title | 0% Percentage of Standing Reserve Excess |
Type | integer |
Description | This accounts for wind and demand forecast errors. The current requirement is set to 1300MW |
Comment | Calculated by ESO |
Example | 0 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Net Negative Regulating Reserve (NRG) |
Type | integer |
Description | The negative reserve for response is the amount of reserve that needs to be allocated to synchronised generators to allow them to be picked up from SEL to hold high frequency response |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems after all contracted response is subtracted from requiremen |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Negative Reg Res Wind Adj (WNRR) |
Type | integer |
Description | This is an automatically calculated value to take into account the potential wind forecasting error. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems (Currently set at 0MW) |
Example | 0 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Negative Response Reserve (NRS) |
Type | integer |
Description | Automatically calculated by ESO systems after all contracted response is subtracted from requirement |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems (Currently set at 0MW) |
Example | 0 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Total (Negative Reserve) |
Type | integer |
Description | Simple calculation of NRG + NRS. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 456 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Maximum Loss (Generation) |
Type | integer |
Description | The maximum generation loss is determined by the maximum credible loss on the system at the CP for this SOP |
Comment | Manually adjusted by ESO |
Example | 680 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Maximum Loss (Demand) |
Type | integer |
Description | The maximum demand loss is determined by the maximum credible demand loss on the system at the CP for this SOP |
Comment | Manually adjusted by ESO |
Example | 560 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Positive Residual (EMX - (SOP Demand + Positive Reserve)) |
Type | integer |
Description | Indicates by how much the ESO has met its positive margin requirements in terms of SOP demand plus reserve requirements. |
Comment | Calculated by ESO systems and includes any manual adjustments made by ENCC if required |
Example | 555 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Imbalance (SOP Demand - EOL) |
Type | integer |
Description | Indicates how many Bids or Offers the ESO expect to be required to meet SOP demand. |
Comment | Calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 8658 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Negative Residual (SOP Demand - (EMI + Negative Reserve)) |
Type | integer |
Description | Indicates by how much the ESO has met its negative margin requirements in terms of SOP demand plus reserve requirements. |
Comment | Calculated by ESO systems and includes any manual adjustments made by ENCC if required |
Example | 15391 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SOP Report Creation Time GMT |
Type | datetime |
Description | Time the SOP was created |
Comment | Automatic |
Example | 2020-08-17T19:25:00Z |
Unit | UTC ISO 8601 |
Title | SOP D and C Time GMT |
Type | datetime |
Description | Time that the demand and contraint process was run |
Comment | Automatic |
Example | 2020-08-17T19:25:00Z |
Unit | UTC ISO 8601 |
Title | Contingency Requirement |
Type | integer |
Description | A margin of plant that will be maintained in a state to be capable of synchronising in sufficient time to achieve full output for the relevant Cardinal Point. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems. (Usually 0MW at 4 hours ahead stage) |
Example | 50 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Operating Margin Surplus (shortfall) |
Type | integer |
Description | Provides an indication of whether the contingency requirement for the cardinal point is satisfied |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 168 |
Unit | MW |
Title | Trigger Level (shortfall) |
Type | integer |
Description | This value is used in conjunction with the Contingency Requirement. If the Contingency Requirement is not satisfied by the available plant then based on these trigger levels the ESO will consider whether to issue an Electricity Margin Notification (EMN) to the market. Variable value depending on time of year and day. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | -450 |
Unit | MW |
Title | NO1_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | All the non-wind BMUs in the north dispatch zone. Summation of expected maximum MW availabilities for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Maximum Export Limit (MEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 10715 |
Unit | MW |
Title | NO1_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | All the non-wind BMUs in the north dispatch zone. Summation of expected actual output of each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Physical Notifications (PNs) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 10472 |
Unit | MW |
Title | NO1_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | All the non-wind BMUs in the north dispatch zone. Summation of the expected minimum MW achievable for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Stable Export Level (SEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 7049 |
Unit | MW |
Title | NW1_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | All the wind BMUs forecast output in the north dispatch zone. Summation of expected maximum MW availabilities for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Maximum Export Limit (MEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 485 |
Unit | MW |
Title | NW1_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | All the wind BMUs forecast output in the north dispatch zone. Summation of expected actual output of each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Physical Notifications (PNs) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 485 |
Unit | MW |
Title | NW1_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | All the wind BMUs forecast output in the north dispatch zone. Summation of the expected minimum MW achievable for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Stable Export Level (SEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 485 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SO1_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | All the non-wind BMUs in the south dispatch zone. Summation of expected maximum MW availabilities for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Maximum Export Limit (MEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 8184 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SO1_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | All the non-wind BMUs in the south dispatch zone. Summation of expected actual output of each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Physical Notifications (PNs) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 7596 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SO1_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | All the non-wind BMUs in the south dispatch zone. Summation of the expected minimum MW achievable for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Stable Export Level (SEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 4443 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SW1_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | All the wind BMUs forecast output in the south dispatch zone. Summation of expected maximum MW availabilities for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Maximum Export Limit (MEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 360 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SW1_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | All the wind BMUs forecast output in the south dispatch zone. Summation of expected actual output of each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Physical Notifications (PNs) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 360 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SW1_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | All the wind BMUs forecast output in the south dispatch zone. Summation of the expected minimum MW achievable for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Stable Export Level (SEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 360 |
Unit | MW |
Title | BRITNED_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the BritNed Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 667 |
Unit | MW |
Title | BRITNED_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the BritNed Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 667 |
Unit | MW |
Title | BRITNED_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the BritNed Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 667 |
Unit | MW |
Title | EWIC_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on East West Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 86 |
Unit | MW |
Title | EWIC_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on East West Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 86 |
Unit | MW |
Title | EWIC_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on East West Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 86 |
Unit | MW |
Title | FRANCE_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on IFA Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 379 |
Unit | MW |
Title | FRANCE_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on IFA Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 379 |
Unit | MW |
Title | FRANCE_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on IFA Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 379 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTIFA2_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on IFA2 Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTIFA2_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on IFA2 Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTIFA2_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on IFA2 Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | MOYLE_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the Moyle interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 40 |
Unit | MW |
Title | MOYLE_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the Moyle interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 40 |
Unit | MW |
Title | MOYLE_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the Moyle interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 40 |
Unit | MW |
Title | NEMO_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the NEMO interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | NEMO_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the NEMO interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | NEMO_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the NEMO interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | PS_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Pump Storage units. Summation of expected maximum MW availabilities for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Maximum Export Limit (MEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins. |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 300 |
Unit | MW |
Title | PS_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Pump Storage units. Summation of expected actual output of each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Physical Notifications (PNs) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 252 |
Unit | MW |
Title | PS_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Pump Storage units. Summation of the expected minimum MW achievable for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Stable Export Level (SEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 150 |
Unit | MW |
Title | STO_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR). |
Comment | Manually adjusted by ESO if any excess is used to offset Regulating Reserve |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | STO_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR). |
Comment | Manually adjusted by ESO if any excess is used to offset Regulating Reserve |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | STO_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR). |
Comment | Manually adjusted by ESO if any excess is used to offset Regulating Reserve |
Example | 123 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SB_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Small Balancing Mechanism Units (BMUs). Summation of expected maximum MW availabilities for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Maximum Export Limit (MEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 181 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SB_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Small Balancing Mechanism Units (BMUs). Summation of expected actual output of each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Physical Notifications (PNs) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 180 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SB_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Small Balancing Mechanism Units (BMUs). Summation of the expected minimum MW achievable for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Stable Export Level (SEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins at SEL. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 125 |
Unit | MW |
Title | total_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Sum off all emx values |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 21216 |
Unit | MW |
Title | total_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Sum of all eol values |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 20337 |
Unit | MW |
Title | total_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Sum of all emi values |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 13659 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTNSL temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the NSL Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 555 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTNSL temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the NSL Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 555 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTNSL temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the NSL Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 555 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTELEC_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the ElecLink Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 555 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTELEC teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the ElecLink Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 555 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTELEC temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the ElecLink Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 555 |
Unit | MW |
Title | BAT_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Batteries. Summation of expected maximum MW availabilities for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Maximum Export Limit (MEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 402 |
Unit | MW |
Title | BAT_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Batteries. Summation of expected actual output of each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Physical Notifications (PNs) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 12 |
Unit | MW |
Title | BAT_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Batteries. Summation of the expected minimum MW achievable for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Maximum Import Level (MIL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | -430 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SLR_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Solar. Summation of expected maximum MW availabilities for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Maximum Export Limit (MEL) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 400 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SLR_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Solar. Summation of expected actual output of each BMU running. The figures are derived from the Physical Notifications (PNs) considering any restrictions due to system constraints. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 350 |
Unit | MW |
Title | SLR_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Solar. Summation of expected minimum MW availabilities for each BMU running. The figures are derived from the lower of Stable Export Limit (SEL) or Maximum Import Level (MIL), considering any restrictions due to system constraints. This includes any additional units scheduled to meet required margins. |
Comment | Automatically calculated by ESO systems |
Example | 0 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTGRNL_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the Greenlink Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 667 |
Unit | Mw |
Title | INTGRNL_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the Greenlink Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 667 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTGRNL_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the Greenlink Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 667 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTVKL_temx |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the Viking Link Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 667 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTVKL_teol |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the Viking Link Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 667 |
Unit | MW |
Title | INTVKL_temi |
Type | integer |
Description | Expected flow on the Viking Link Interconnector based on the latest submitted reference program |
Comment | Market provided data |
Example | 667 |
Unit | MW |