NemoLink NTC Data

NGESO's Net Transfer Capacity restrictions submitted to Day-ahead and Intraday auctions.

Data Explorer

Data Explorer

Table Information

Data Upload Time (GMT)

Title Data Upload Time (GMT)
Type datetime
Description Date and time that data was published
Comment N/A
Example 2022-10-20T23:00:00
Unit ISO 8601

Auction Type

Title Auction Type
Type string
Description Day-ahead (DA) or Intraday (ID) auction
Comment N/A
Example Intraday2
Unit N/A

Operational Period Start Date & Time (GMT)

Title Operational Period Start Datetime (GMT)
Type datetime
Description Hourly Operational Period Start Datetime for which restriction applies. The provided timestamp reflects the datetime when the period starts the next 1 hour time.
Comment In example if the Period is mentioned as "2022-10-20T22:00:00" it means the period of time between 2022-10-20T22:00:00 and 2022-10-20T23:00:00
Example 2022-10-20T22:00:00
Unit ISO 8601

Flow (MW) To GB

Title Flow (MW) To GB
Type integer
Description Maximum flow in this direction
Comment N/A
Example 1000
Unit MW

Reason For Restriction To GB

Title Reason For Restriction To GB
Type string
Description Reason for restriction in this direction
Comment N/Q
Example Network Constraints
Unit N/A

Flow (MW) From GB

Title Flow (MW) From GB
Type integer
Description Maximum flow in this direction
Comment N/A
Example 1000
Unit MW

Reason For Restriction From GB

Title Reason For Restriction From GB
Type string
Description Reason for restriction in this direction
Comment N/A
Example Network Constraints
Unit N/A