Historic Demand Data 2010

Historic electricity demand, interconnector, wind and solar outturn data for 2010.

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Table Information


Title Settlement Date
Type date
Description The period from 00:00 hours to 24:00 hours on each day.
Example 01/01/2010


Title Settlement Period
Type integer
Description The half hourly period for the historic outturn occurred. Settlement period 1 runs from 00:00-00:30.
Example 1


Title National Demand
Type integer
Description This is the Great Britain generation requirement and is equivalent to the Initial National Demand Outturn (INDO) and National Demand Forecast as published on BM Reports. National Demand is the sum of metered generation, but excludes generation required to meet station load, pump storage pumping and interconnector exports. National Demand is calculated as a sum of generation based on the operational generation metering from the Transmission Network Operators.
Example 28354
Unit MW


Title Transmission System Demand
Type integer
Description This is the Transmission System generation requirement and is equivalent to the Initial Transmission System Demand Outturn (ITSDO) and Transmission System Demand Forecast on BM Reports. Transmission System Demand is equal to the ND plus the additional generation required to meet station load, pump storage pumping and interconnector exports. Transmission System Demand is calculated using the operational metering from the Transmission Network Operators. Note that the Transmission System Demand includes an estimate of station load of 500MW in BST and 600MW in GMT.
Example 28968
Unit MW


Title England and Wales Demand
Type integer
Description England and Wales Demand, as ND above but on an England and Wales basis.
Example 26130
Unit MW


Title Estimated Embedded Wind Generation
Type integer
Description This is an estimate of the GB wind generation from wind farms which do not have Transmission System metering installed. These wind farms are embedded in the distribution network and invisible to NESO. Their effect is to suppress the electricity demand during periods of high wind. The true output of these generators is not known so an estimate is provided based on NESO’s best model.
Example 1018
Unit MW


Title Embedded Wind Capacity
Type integer
Description This is NESO’s best view of the installed embedded wind capacity in GB. This is based on publicly available information compiled from a variety of sources and is not the definitive view. It is consistent with the generation estimate provided above.
Example 6527
Unit MW


Title Estimated Embedded Solar Generation
Type integer
Description This is an estimate of the GB solar generation from PV panels. These are embedded in the distribution network and invisible to NESO. Their effect is to suppress the electricity demand during periods of high radiation. The true output of these generators is not known so an estimate is provided based on NESO’s best model.
Example 0
Unit MW


Title Embedded Solar Capacity
Type integer
Description As embedded wind capacity above, but for solar generation.
Example 13080
Unit MW


Title Non-Balancing Mechanism Short-Term Operating Reserve
Type integer
Description For units that are not included in the ND generator definition. This can be in the form of generation or demand reduction.
Example 0
Unit MW


Title Pump Storage Pumping
Type integer
Description The demand due to pumping at hydro pump storage units; the -ve signifies pumping load.
Example 14
Unit MW


Title IFA Interconnector Flow
Type integer
Description The flow on the respective interconnector. -ve signifies export power out from GB; +ve signifies import power into GB.
Example 2003
Unit MW


Title IFA2 Interconnector Flow
Type integer
Description The flow on the respective interconnector. -ve signifies export power out from GB; +ve signifies import power into GB.
Example 0
Unit MW


Title Britned Interconnector Flow
Type integer
Description The flow on the respective interconnector. -ve signifies export power out from GB; +ve signifies import power into GB.
Example 0
Unit MW


Title Moyle Interconnector Flow
Type integer
Description The flow on the respective interconnector. -ve signifies export power out from GB; +ve signifies import power into GB.
Example 215
Unit MW


Title East West Interconnector Flow
Type integer
Description The flow on the respective interconnector. -ve signifies export power out from GB; +ve signifies import power into GB.
Example 203
Unit MW


Title Nemo Interconnector Flow
Type integer
Description The flow on the respective interconnector. -ve signifies export power out from GB; +ve signifies import power into GB.
Example 0
Unit MW