Post Tender Report TR161 May 2023 CSV EXT
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var data = { resource_id: '3d71f7d1-3dd7-40b1-b5f4-708da72a4f67', // the resource id limit: 5 // get 5 results }; $.ajax({ url: '', data: data, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(data) { alert('Total results found: ' + } });
A simple ajax (JSONP) request to the data API using jQuery.
import urllib2 url = '' fileobj = urllib2.urlopen(url) print
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Tender Ref | Status | Rejection Code | Company Name | Tendered Unit (BMU/Unit ID) | TO connection / DNO connection | Generation type | Start date | End date | Tendered period ( – | Applicable FFR Capability Data Table | Tendered Frames per Service Day - from | Tendered Frames per Service Day - to | Tendered Frames per Service Day - duration (h) | Saturdays From | Saturdays To | Duration (h) | Sundays/ Bank Holidays From | Sundays/ Bank Holidays To | Duration (h) | Availability fee | Nomination fee | Window initiation fee | BMUs only – Applicable Balancing Service (ABSVD) | Maximum part load point | Minimum part load point | Minimum Maximum Export Limit | Maximum Stable Export Limit | Primary response (max) @ 0.2Hz (MW) | Primary response (max) @ 0.5Hz (MW) | Primary response (max) @ 0.8Hz (MW) | Secondary response (max) @ 0.2Hz (MW) | Secondary response (max) @ 0.5Hz (MW) | High frequency response (max) @ 0.2Hz (MW) | High frequency response (max) @ 0.5Hz (MW) | Adding volume | Stacked tender | All or nothing bid | Mutually exclusive tender | Non-dynamic response volumes | Non-dynamic response volumes | Tendered Unit Post code | Comments |
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Tender Ref
Title | Tender Ref |
Type | number |
Description | A reference to identify the tender submission. The first 3 digits giver the tender round, and the following digits ID the tender submission within the tender round. |
Comment | |
Example | 122.001 |
Unit |
Title | Status |
Type | string |
Description | This indicates whether the tender was accepted or rejected during the assessment process. |
Comment | |
Example | |
Unit |
Rejection Codes
Title | Rejection Code |
Type | string |
Description | For tenders with the ‘rejected’ status, these codes give a reason as to why they were rejected. |
Comment | A reference for these codes can be found below the table in this file, or in the FFR market information reports. |
Example | 2 |
Unit |
Company Name
Title | Company Name |
Type | string |
Description | The name of the company which submitted the associated tender. |
Comment | |
Example | Example company |
Unit |
Tendered Unit (BMU/Unit ID)
Title | Tendered Unit (BMU/Unit ID) |
Type | string |
Description | The name of the unit for which the associated tender was submitted. This can be a BMU ID or Unit ID for non-BMUs. |
Comment | |
Example | Ex-FFR-1 |
Unit |
TO connection / DNO connection
Title | TO connection / DNO connection |
Type | string |
Description | Indicates whether the unit is connected to the transmission network or the distribution network. |
Comment | |
Example | TO connection |
Unit |
Generation Type
Title | Generation type |
Type | string |
Description | Indicates the fuel type of the tendered unit. |
Comment | |
Example | Wind |
Unit |
Start Date
Title | Start date |
Type | date |
Description | The date from which FFR would be provided following acceptance of the tender. |
Comment | |
Example | 29/02/2020 |
Unit |
End Date
Title | End date |
Type | date |
Description | The final date for which FFR would be provided following acceptance of the tender. |
Comment | |
Example | 31/03/2020 |
Unit |
Tendered Period ( -
Title | Tendered period ( – |
Type | string |
Description | The date range for which FFR would be provided as per the tender submission. |
Comment | |
Example | 29.02.20 - 31.03.20 (1 months) |
Unit |
Applicable FFR Capability Data Table
Title | Applicable FFR Capability Data Table |
Type | string |
Description | A reference to where information on the technical parameters of the tendered unit is accessible for National Grid ESO. |
Comment | |
Example | As per FFR framework agreement |
Unit |
Tendered Frames per Service Day - From (Mon-Fri)
Title | Tendered Frames per Service Day - from |
Type | integer |
Description | The time from which the unit would be available to provide FFR |
Comment | Has to be a time consistent with EFA blocks |
Example | 2300 |
Unit |
Tendered Frames per Service Day - To (Mon- Fri)
Title | Tendered Frames per Service Day - to |
Type | integer |
Description | The time from which the unit would stop being available to provide FFR |
Comment | Has to be a time consistent with EFA blocks |
Example | 700 |
Unit |
Tendered Frames per Service Day - Duration (Mon-Fri)
Title | Tendered Frames per Service Day - duration (h) |
Type | integer |
Description | The duration per day for which the unit would be available to provide FFR |
Comment | |
Example | 8 |
Unit | hours |
Tendered Frames per Service Day - From (Saturday)
Title | Saturdays From |
Type | integer |
Description | start time for Saturdays, must begin in line with EFA block timings |
Comment | select from drop down |
Example | |
Unit |
Tendered Frames per Service Day - To (Saturday)
Title | Saturdays To |
Type | integer |
Description | End time for Saturdays, must begin in line with EFA block timings |
Comment | select from drop down |
Example | |
Unit |
Tendered Frames per Service Day - Duration (Saturday)
Title | Duration (h) |
Type | integer |
Description | number of hours that have been tendered for Saturdays |
Comment | total hours |
Example | |
Unit |
Tendered Frames per Service Day - From (Sunday/Bank Holidays)
Title | Sundays/ Bank Holidays From |
Type | integer |
Description | start time for Sundays/ bank holidays, must begin in line with EFA block timings |
Comment | select from drop down |
Example | |
Unit |
Tendered Frames per Service Day - To (Sunday/Bank Holidays)
Title | Sundays/ Bank Holidays To |
Type | integer |
Description | End time for Sundays/ bank holidays, must begin in line with EFA block timings |
Comment | select from drop down |
Example | |
Unit |
Tendered Frames per Service Day - Duration (Sunday/Bank Hol)
Title | Duration (h) |
Type | integer |
Description | number of hours that have been tendered for Sundays/ bank holidays |
Comment | total hours |
Example | £0.00 |
Unit | £ |
Tendered Prices - Availability Fee (£/h)
Title | Availability fee |
Type | number |
Description | This is the main fee that all providers will tender in. It is the number of hours of availability from a provider. |
Comment | |
Example | 100 |
Unit | £/h |
Tendered Prices - Nomination Fee (£/h)
Title | Nomination fee |
Type | number |
Description | Upon a tender being accepted, National Grid ESO can choose to nominate all or part of the hours tendered in. This payment is made for each hour nominated. |
Comment | |
Example | 600 |
Unit | £/h |
Tendered Prices - Window Initiation Fee (£/window)
Title | Window initiation fee |
Type | number |
Description | Fee for each FFR window that the provider has been instructed under |
Comment | |
Example | |
Unit | £/window |
BMUs Only
Title | BMUs only – Applicable Balancing Service (ABSVD) |
Type | string |
Description | A yes/no field depending on whether ABSVD applies to the tendered unit. This can only apply to BMUs. |
Comment | |
Example | YES |
Unit |
Maximum Part Load Point (MW)
Title | Maximum part load point |
Type | number |
Description | The maximum partial load the unit can run with - a unit is part-loaded if it is operating at a level other than |
Comment | |
Example | 4 |
Unit | MW |
Minimum Part Load Point (MW)
Title | Minimum part load point |
Type | number |
Description | The minimum partial load the unit can run with - a unit is part-loaded if it is operating at a level other than |
Comment | |
Example | 0 |
Unit | MW |
Minimum MEL (MW)
Title | Minimum Maximum Export Limit |
Type | number |
Description | The minimum value for the MEL. The MEL is the profile of the maximum level at which the BM Unit may be exporting (in MW) to the GB Transmission System at the Grid Entry Point or Grid Supply Point as appropriate |
Comment | |
Example | 45 |
Unit | MW |
Maximum SEL (MW)
Title | Maximum Stable Export Limit |
Type | number |
Description | The maximum value for the SEL. The SEL is the minimum value at which the BM Unit, under stable conditions, may export (in MW) to the GB Transmission System at the Grid Entry Point or Grid Supply Point as appropriate |
Comment | |
Example | 4 |
Unit | MW |
Primary Response (max.) @ 0.2Hz (MW)
Title | Primary response (max) @ 0.2Hz (MW) |
Type | number |
Description | The amount (in MW) of primary frequency response that will be provided at frequency deviations at 0.2 Hz respectively. |
Comment | |
Example | 8 |
Unit | MW |
Primary Response (max.) @ 0.5Hz (MW)
Title | Primary response (max) @ 0.5Hz (MW) |
Type | number |
Description | The amount (in MW) of primary frequency response that will be provided at frequency deviations at 0.5 Hz respectively. |
Comment | |
Example | 20 |
Unit | MW |
Primary Response (max.) @ 0.8Hz (MW)
Title | Primary response (max) @ 0.8Hz (MW) |
Type | number |
Description | The amount (in MW) of primary frequency response that will be provided at frequency deviations at 0.8 Hz respectively. |
Comment | |
Example | 1 |
Unit | MW |
Secondary Response (max.) @ 0.2/0.2Hz (MW)
Title | Secondary response (max) @ 0.2Hz (MW) |
Type | number |
Description | The amount (in MW) of secondary frequency response that will be provided at frequency deviations at 0.2 Hz respectively. |
Comment | |
Example | 0.4 |
Unit | MW |
Secondary Response (max.) @ 0.5/0.5Hz (MW)
Title | Secondary response (max) @ 0.5Hz (MW) |
Type | number |
Description | The amount (in MW) of secondary frequency response that will be provided at frequency deviations at 0.5 Hz respectively. |
Comment | |
Example | 20 |
Unit | MW |
High Frequency Response (max.) @ 0.2Hz (MW)
Title | High frequency response (max) @ 0.2Hz (MW) |
Type | number |
Description | The amount (in MW) of high frequency response that will be provided at frequency deviations at 0.2 Hz respectively. |
Comment | |
Example | 8 |
Unit | MW |
High Frequency Response (max.) @ 0.5Hz (MW)
Title | High frequency response (max) @ 0.5Hz (MW) |
Type | number |
Description | The amount (in MW) of high frequency response that will be provided at frequency deviations at 0.5 Hz respectively. |
Comment | |
Example | 1 |
Unit | MW |
Are you adding volume as per detail change provision
Title | Adding volume |
Type | string |
Description | An indication as to whether volume is being added to a previous tender via this one |
Comment | |
Example | Yes |
Unit |
Please state the accepted tender that you are stacking onto
Title | Stacked tender |
Type | number |
Description | The tender being stacked on as per the previous column |
Comment | |
Example | 122.156 |
Unit |
Please state if this is an all or nothing bid.
Title | All or nothing bid |
Type | string |
Description | Whether or not this bid is part of an all or nothing combination of bids |
Comment | |
Example | |
Unit |
Please indicate if this is a mutually exclusive tender
Title | Mutually exclusive tender |
Type | string |
Description | Any bids with which this one cannot be taken |
Comment | |
Example | Cannot be accepted with B |
Unit |
Automatic Response Energy Deliverable by 10s (MW)
Title | Non-dynamic response volumes |
Type | number |
Description | The amount of automatic response (in MW) to be delivered within 10s of the frequency dropping below 49.7 Hz. |
Comment | |
Example | 10 |
Unit | MW |
Automatic Response Energy Deliverable by 30s (MW)
Title | Non-dynamic response volumes |
Type | number |
Description | The amount of automatic response (in MW) to be delivered within 30s of the frequency dropping below 49.7 Hz. |
Comment | |
Example | 20 |
Unit | MW |
Post code
Title | Tendered Unit Post code |
Type | string |
Description | 1st 4 digits of the assets postcode. Only applies to assets 1MW or greater in size. For aggregated assets initially this will list the largest asset if over 1MW |
Comment | |
Example | ZX0 9 |
Unit |
Title | Comments |
Type | string |
Description | Any further comments associated with the tender submission. |
Comment | |
Example | H for only 90 mins |
Unit |