Embedded Register - 11 March 2025
This data file contains the latest version of the Embedded Register including all changes up to publication. This file will be updated twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Please note:
Project Nos: We plan to phase out the use of Project IDs in favour of Project Nos which are now found included in the Dataset - we will continue to include Project IDs until the end of this year. If there is more than one Stage the Project No will be followed by a dash and the relevant stage number.
Project IDs: are Case Sensitive i.e. a0l4L0000005iPb; a0l4L0000005ipb and a0l4L0000005ipB relate to different projects.
Staging: If a project includes staged TEC there will be an associated number in the Stage column. Some projects have two separate lines without numbers - this usually indicates that the project is already built and the Customer is perhaps adding a different type of generation or building new generation to be connected at a future date. Once built the second line will fall away and the TEC incorporated into the overall project.
Access resource data via a web API with powerful query support.
Further information in the main CKAN Data API and DataStore documentation.
The Data API can be accessed via the following actions of the CKAN action API.
Query example (first 5 results) |
Query example (via SQL statement) |
https://api.neso.energy/api/3/action/datastore_search_sql?sql=SELECT * from "68b6f3a1-e1bf-403b-9062-0269fc758d77" LIMIT 5
A simple ajax (JSONP) request to the data API using jQuery.
var data = { resource_id: '68b6f3a1-e1bf-403b-9062-0269fc758d77', // the resource id limit: 5 // get 5 results }; $.ajax({ url: 'https://api.neso.energy/api/3/action/datastore_search', data: data, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(data) { alert('Total results found: ' + data.result.total) } });
A simple ajax (JSONP) request to the data API using jQuery.
import urllib2 url = 'https://api.neso.energy/api/3/action/datastore_search?resource_id=68b6f3a1-e1bf-403b-9062-0269fc758d77&limit=5' fileobj = urllib2.urlopen(url) print fileobj.read()
Data Explorer
Data Explorer
Table Information
Project Name
Title | Project Name |
Type | string |
Description | Name of generation project |
Comment | |
Example | Abbotshaugh Reserve Power Facility |
Unit |
Customer Name
Title | Customer Name |
Type | string |
Description | Name of generator |
Comment | |
Unit |
Connection Site
Title | Connection Site |
Type | string |
Description | Name of Generation Connection Site |
Comment | |
Example | Bainsford |
Unit |
Title | Stage |
Type | integer |
Description | Stage refers to Staged TEC – how much TEC the Customer will connect and when. The customer may choose to bring on capacity in chunks to align with their build /commissioning program. Staged contracts are also used when a customer may only be able to bring on a proportion of their total capacity at a particular point in time ahead of further reinforcement works being carried out, completion of which would allow the remaining TEC onto the system. |
Comment | Field is only completed if the project is staged otherwise it will be empty. |
Example | 1 |
Unit |
MW Connected
Title | MW Connected |
Type | number |
Description | Amount of capacity currently connected to National Grid |
Comment | Field will state 0 MW until the project is built and connected. |
Example | 5.6 |
Unit | MW |
MW Increase / Decrease
Title | MW Increase / Decrease |
Type | number |
Description | Amount of capacity contracted to connect or be removed at a future date |
Comment | Field will state 0 MW unless the TEC is due to increase or decrease. |
Example | 22.5 |
Unit | MW |
Cumulative Total Capacity (MW)
Title | Cumulative Total Capacity (MW) |
Type | number |
Description | Total amounty of capacity contracted across all Stages |
Comment | |
Example | 22.5 |
Unit | MW |
MW Effective From
Title | MW Effective From |
Type | date |
Description | Date on which Connection is contracted to be effective from |
Comment | Field will only include dates for future connections or increase/decreases to TEC, otherwise this field will be empty. |
Example | 31/07/2021 |
Unit |
Project Status
Title | Project Status |
Type | string |
Description | Indicates what stage the Project is at in it's build cycle |
Comment | |
Example | Consents Approved |
Unit |
Title | HOST TO |
Type | string |
Description | Indicates which TO is responsible for the connection |
Comment | |
Example | SPT |
Unit |
Plant Type
Title | Plant Type |
Type | string |
Description | Indicates the fuel type contracted to connect |
Comment | |
Example | Gas Reciprocating |
Unit |
Project ID
Title | |
Type | string |
Description | |
Comment | |
Example | |
Unit |
Project Number
Title | |
Type | string |
Description | |
Comment | |
Example | |
Unit |